C. C. Hagan

C. C. Hagan’s How Great Thinkers transformed our Ideas is one of the finest syntheses of history, science, philosophy, and theology written in the last thirty years. Page after page is a revelation of the unfolding of early-modern and modern scientific thought and the implications it all has for our deepest questions regarding the universe, meaning, and God. As well as being a first-order work of intellectual history, Hagan makes first-order contribution to these questions himself. A virtuoso contribution.

Dr. Stephen Chavura, Ph.D
Lecturer in History

How Great Thinkers transformed our Ideas deals with some of the most important scientific discoveries in history, the philosophy behind the science and even the struggles, hopes and beliefs in the lives of the great scientists.   Questions ... spanning the Enlightenment, the Age of Reason and the Cosmos give vivid impressions of the times in which they lived. .... The author’s ingenious approach was to present each scientist’s ... achievements across separate chapters to relate their lives,  world, science and realities.   A big advantage of such approach allows a reader not only to read and learn but also to see and analyze how the scientists’ background impacted their personal and scientific growth providing valuable insights into these great thinkers.

Dr Andrew Firek M. Sc., Ph.D.

…..How Great Thinkers transformed our Ideas” investigates reality..[and] .. the theories and discoveries of five giants of science, Newton, Leibniz, Curie, Einstein and Hawking, ...[ for example,  Marie Curie’s] work led to further scientific discovery and opened up the new world of nuclear medicine as well as forging new role models for women by winning two Nobel Prizes. …Standing on the shoulders of giants, these five great scientists developed unimagined knowledge of our world. …….. I was amazed by the insights the author gives us into the interaction between scientists and society and how our world both impedes and promotes their discoveries. An educational adventure and a wonderful combination of social theory, philosophy and science.

Elizabeth Ruth Cohen BA(Hons1), JD (Sydney), GDLP, LLM (Applied Family Law), LLM (Applied Business Law)

The volcanic eruption  which was the Age of Enlightenment, the advent of reason and experiment, the rejection of religious domination occurred in every field of human endeavour and hence the Modern was born.  Mr Hagan masterfully shines a light on one aspect of that eruption -science- and major thinkers who since Sir Isaac Newton have propelled scientific thought and process to where it is today.  A marvelously researched, energizing and profound examination of the lives and world changing ideas of scientists from Newton to Hawking!

Michael Ellicott BA LLB
Barrister-at- Law

Chris Hagan has written a very profound book about some of history’s most famous scientists namely Newton, Leibniz, Curie,  Einstein and as a coda Hawking’s space, time and black hole cosmos. ...  The book is easy to read for anyone with a smattering of science knowledge as Hagan explains it all in easy to understand language.   And for those not so familiar with calculus a chapter explains it all from need to discovery to practical use.  How Great Thinkers transformed our Ideas is a must read to better understand these titans of scientific discovery.

Wes Harder
Geoscientist & former Corporate CEO

How Great Thinkers Transformed our Ideas” by C.C. Hagan transcends the boundaries of a typical popular science book.   Apart from historical facts behind scientific breakthroughs and the personal lives of the corresponding scientists, highlighted are their feats of endurance in overcoming, frequent personal tragedies before rising to scientific triumphs and recognition.   Also featured are philosophical diversions related to the meaning of physical reality and existence, and at the same time containing a scientific and mathematical anthology (with an impressive number of references and citations - counting over one of their academic breakthroughs and their evolving implications over more than 300 years. 

 C.C. Hagan  not only describes the work,  accomplishments, and life of scientific giants such as  Newton, Leibniz, Curie, Einstein, and Hawking (perhaps the greatest scientific thinkers and founders of numerous scientific revolutions) but also gives the context and the reason for these breakthroughs which took place by examining the “local reality” of each scientist. I find that quite interesting. 

As an educator, I believe that this book has the potential to stimulate interest both in maths and in science not only for the maths/science enthusiast but also for both school-age and university-age students as well as the general public, by taking the reader on a cosmic trip that spans almost three and a half centuries from the foundation of Classical Physics and Calculus to Quantum Physics and String Theory.

Dr Stavros Mouslopoulos , BA, PhD, Dip Ed
Theoretical Particle Physicist